FROM PHOENIX, ARIZONA HEADLINES Beijing 1. Clinton-Gore-Bush’s Baby-Killing, Christian-Hating Chinese Pals - Our “Most Favored Nation” Washington
2. Clinton-Gore Open U.S. Military Secrets to China’s War Planners
New York 3. Dalai Lama Not Welcome at U.N. Conference for Fear of
Upsetting Beijing Sydney 4. Australia, Like the U.S., Opened Its Military Secrets, Bases, to
Chinese Generals London
Chinese Invade Sudan Enmasse, London Daily Says New
6. Clinton-Gore to Let Chinese Get Most Powerful U.S. Supercomputers Boston
7. Harvard Trains Chinese Communist Colonels in How to Fight the U.S. New
8. Chinese President Says U.S. Suffers from Too Much Self-Aggrandizing Maine
9. Red Chinese Get Red Carpet Treatment by Klinton's Navy ------------- 1. Chinese Baby-Killers Clinton-Gore-Bush’s
Anti-Christian, Anti-American Chinese Communist Pals - Are Now Our “Most
Favored Nation;” Yukh! BEIJING, Aug. 24 - A healthy baby was drowned by a Chinese government official in front of the horrified parents, the London Times reported today. Why was the baby killed? Because his parents broke the Chinese “one-child” rule. They’d had three kids already. This was the fourth. What’s even more reprehensible is that the (anti-American, anti-Christian) United States government continues to do “business as usual” with such “Beijing butchers.” Why?
Well, maybe the vast majority of Chinese are indeed friends of America. One would certainly get that impression by the wave-upon-wave of legal or illegal Chinese immigration into the U.S. But “they” weren’t talking about ordinary Chinese citizens, victims of authoritarian regime at home. As one day, God forbid(!) - we may be, too. “They” were talking about “engaging” the Beijing “reds” - the Chinese communist government. But anyway, who are these “they?” “They” are the Bush, Clinton, Gore, Cheney, etc. - including our corrupt Congress - who have been supporting the murderous Beijing communists, no matter what. Why? Because their NWO bosses (the “Princes of the 20th Century”) had too much money at stake, were the American public opinion to turn against the Beijing butchers (see “Who Lost China?,” written a year ago, as well as, China Trade Bill: "Rocky's Rockettes" Rocking Again (May 25, 2000), "The China Wing of the New World Order,” “Two Faces of Globalism,” and “A Cleaner, Neater World? Hardly. But Deadlier, for Sure...”- Feb. 3, 2000). Well, “they” just happened to have picked the partners in crimes against humanity equal to their own (in the 1999 bombing of Serbia, for example). Birds of a feather flock together? And now, read the following excerpts from today’s (London) Times story. Read and weep. Not only for the innocent Chinese infant who was murdered by the Bush-Clinton-Gore-Cheney... Beijing communist pals. Weep for all mankind for whom the bell tolls any time an innocent life is taken, as Ernest Hemingway put it in his best-selling novel about the Spanish civil war. For, “it tolls for thee:" “CHINA has been
shaken by one of the most horrifying cases of official infanticide in
recent memory after family planners drowned a healthy baby in front of its
parents. The actions of the
officials in the village of Caidian, in the central Hubei province -
carried out as part of The baby's mother,
identified by Chinese newspapers as Mrs Liu, was expecting her fourth
child. Couples in the countryside, where 70 per cent of China's people
live, often have more than one child without punishment, despite the
policy. But in Mrs Liu's case she was forcibly injected with a saline
solution to induce labour and kill the child. However, the baby was
born healthy, to the surprise of family planning officials who had ordered
the injection, which ordinarily destroys the infant's nervous system. Immediately after the
birth, they ordered the father to kill the child outside the hospital. He
refused to obey but was so scared of further punishment that he left the
crying baby behind in an office building, where it was found by a doctor
shortly afterwards. The doctor took the
baby back to the hospital and reunited it with its mother. He removed the
umbilical cord, administered vaccinations and then sent the family home. Five officials were
waiting for them in their living room. During the ensuing argument, the
officials grabbed the baby, dragged it out of the house and drowned it in
a paddy field in front of its parents. Such was the public
outcry in Hubei that people in Caidian contacted newspapers in the nearby
metropolis of Wuhan on the Yangtze River. This led to national media
attention which forced the Hubei government to pledge that it would punish
the guilty officials. Since its
implementation in the early 1970s, the one-child policy has been dogged by
allegations that family planning officials force those who break the rules
into having abortions. The policy was introduced to ensure that China, a
land historically beset by flood and famine, could feed all its people -
now exceeding 1.1 billion - from a mere 7 per cent of the world's arable
land. […] The Government has
recently restated its full commitment to the policy despite the abuses.
The official Xinhua news agency commented: "Without taking effective
measures to slow down the rapid growth of its population, China would have
300 million people more than the current figure." […] The doctor who tended
the baby in Caidian said: "How could they be so cruel? The child
could have been looked after in a children's welfare home. How could they
do it?” For the full London Times report, click on... ------------- 2.
Clinton-Gore Open U.S. Military Secrets to China’s War Planners
WASHINGTON, Aug. 24 - We’ve said before that Clinton-Gore are un-American to the core. We’ve said before that this was probably the most treasonous administration in the U.S. history. And now, the Washington Times has provided the latest example of it. The Clinton-Gore administration is playing as virtual tour
guides to the Communist China’s top war planners, showing them some of
the most sensitive U.S. military facilities, the said.
Until the Washington Times
broke the story in its Thursday (Aug. 24) issue, the full account of this
incredible visitation has gone virtually unreported in the lamestream
American news media. The Chinese war
strategists have been in this country since last Friday (Aug. 18), being
ushered through a variety of key military installations, and they will
keep busy doing the same through the rest of August. They
are scheduled to be in the U.S. till Sept. 1. Pentagon officials
have acknowledged that the visiting Chinese delegation is led by Gen. Wang
Zuxun, the new head of the super-secret Academy of Military Sciences,
which is developing military doctrine on how China can use advanced
technology to defeat the United States. Evidently
with the help of the Clinton-Gore administration. And that doesn’t
qualify as treason? No wonder some
Republicans in Congress are popping their tonsils.
Sen. Robert C. Smith, R-N.H., and Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas,
co-sponsored the recent congressional legislation that specifically
prohibits the Pentagon from helping China develop war-fighting
capabilities. "Why should
the Pentagon be seen to be facilitating Beijing in the pursuit of that
goal when, on an almost daily basis, the People's Republic of China is
threatening to attack democratic Taiwan and the United States, itself, if
we intervened to defend Taiwan?" Smith asked, according to the Times. "It's
incredible that the Clinton-Gore administration is acting as tour guides
for People's Liberation Army officials visiting sensitive American
military facilities when only last week it stopped members of Congress
from meeting with the democratically elected leader of Taiwan when he was
visiting Los Angeles," DeLay said. What has them most
exercised is the Aug. 24 tour of the Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Va.,
which is the location of the top-secret Joint Training Analysis and
Simulation Center and the Joint Experimentation Battle Lab, which
simulates a major military deployment. "I am shocked
that the Department of Defense appears to be thwarting the law," he
said, referring to the legislation, known as the “Smith/DeLay U.S.-P.R.C.
military-to-military restrictions,” that expressly forbids any exchanges
of military visits that could improve China's own "joint war-fighting
capabilities." A Pentagon
official said China's Academy of Military Sciences is a military strategic
doctrine and planning center for advanced war-fighting concepts, including
plans for how to reunite Taiwan with the mainland by force. The academy has no
students and no classes, raising suspicions that the visiting delegation
is on an intelligence- and technology-collection mission. Modeled on the
former Soviet General Staff Academy, the Chinese academy works closely
with the Commission on Science, Technology and Industry for National
Defense, China's main foreign-weapons technology collector. The delegation
from China has already been taken of tours of several U.S. military
schools. Its remaining itinerary includes tours of the U.S. Military
Academy at West Point, the Army War College at Carlisle Barracks in
Pennsylvania, the Army's Training and Doctrine Command at Fort Monroe in
Virginia, the Pentagon itself, and the U.S. Pacific Command in Honolulu. --- TiM Ed: Treasonous acts by the Clinton-Gore, rotten-to-the-core, “reds” ought not to surprise anyone (see “A P.S. for our American readers...”). But where is the outrage of the rest of the U.S. Congress - both Republicans and Democrats? Their silence means acquiescence. Which makes all those Senators and Representatives who remain silent on this issue - accomplices of the Clinton-Gore betrayal of our country’s national security interests. Throw the rascals out of office! Lest we, the American voters, want to be accomplices to our own destruction. ----------- 3.
Lama Not Welcome at U.N. Conference for Fear of Upsetting Beijing NEW YORK, Aug. 24 - The United Nations responded to the "sensitivities'' of China by excluding the Dalai Lama from a world conference of religious leaders, the U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Thursday (Aug. 24), according to an Associated Press report. "Let me say that I understand that many people are understandably and deeply disappointed that the Dalai Lama will not be here for the religious summit next week,'' he said. "But let me also say that this house is really a house for the member states and their sensitivities matter.'' The Dalai Lama, the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize winner, is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists. He fled Tibet in 1959 after a failed revolt against Chinese rule of the mountain region. More than 1,000 religious leaders have been invited to the Millennium World Peace Summit from Aug. 28-31, which will be held in the U.N. General Assembly chamber for the first two days although the United Nations is not an official sponsor. The U.N. spokesman confirmed last month that the Dalai Lama was left off the invitation list for fear that his presence would draw a strong protest from China. --- TiM Ed.: The U.N.
"reds" attitude toward the Dalai Lama was reminiscent of a
scornful comment Stalin once made about the Pope.
"And how many divisions does he have?" Stalin on the East
River? You betcha.
You don’t Stalin reincarnated on the West Side, do you?
Which is why he is wearing the U.N. “blues” as a cover - just
as we noted last November when we put the communist star where it belongs
- in the U.N. logo (see our “Stitching Together (of) the New World Order
Flag” - check out ----------- 4.
Australia, Like the U.S., Opened Its Military Secrets, Bases, to “Red”
Chinese Generals SYDNEY, Aug. 27 - We received the following letter
from Kerry Spencer-Salt B.E., LL.B (Hons), a TiM reader and publisher of
The National Watchman in Australia, in reaction to the Item 2 (above - Clinton-Gore
Open U.S. Military Secrets to China’s War Planners). “Anthony
Grigor-Scott asked me to send you the information on the 40 Asian generals
that toured all Australian air-military installations last year. It was
never reported in the newspapers so the people of Australia do not know.
(I am sure that you will see the similarities with the American situation.
I hope you know that that the Panama canal is now owned by China!) The
source is detailed and a photo, scanned from the respective journal, is
attached.” Kerry Spencer-Salt B.E., LL.B (Hons), The National Watchman Australian Community Organisation, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia And now, here’s the attached story: “China’s
People’s Liberation Army, that WAS the force behind the Korean and the
Vietnam wars, have traditionally been foremost in Australia’s ‘defence
fear’. Today this has changed, according to the prestigious defence
journal Asia-Pacific Defence Reporter (September 1999 ).
Our (Australian) defence department is “welcoming China taking
its rightful place as a world power.” In a
major but little publicized move, the (Australian) Defence Minister, John
Moore, has lectured the Chinese Communist People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
in May 1999. A
delegation of the most senior military personnel from the PLA were
provided with all Australia’s air defence information. In a photo of
pride and unity, the faces of 40 smiling communist commanders were
pictured in the Asia-Pacific Defence Reporter in front of an F-111 attack
bomber at the (Australian) Amberly air base. The
Asia-Pacific Defence Reporter detailed how, in the delegation, there were
“over 40 senior serving PLA air-force officers, which included seven
Major Generals and commanders from Chinese airbases at Guilin, Beijing,
Dalian, Xian and Urumgi.” In line
with this “new philosophy,” major changes have taken place in the
relationship of the armed forces of both countries. During
the nine-day May 1999 visit, the Chinese (war makers) saw all of
Australia’s key defence facilities, a tour offered to our new Asian
communist ‘friends’ (by the Australian government). The
bases included, “the RAAF's Maritime Patrol Wing in Edinburgh, an F/A-18
squadron at RAAF Base Williamstown, RAAF Base Townsville, and the F 111
Strike Reconnaissance Group I Headquarters at RAAF Base Amberly.” Site
visits were enhanced with direct meetings with senior Australian defence
officials, including “the Defence Executive Committee, a visit to the
Australian Defence College, and briefings at Russell Hill and at
Headquarters Air Command in Glenbrook.” In these
meetings communist commanders were given information, in official RAAF
briefings, on “policy and planning, acquisitions, personnel, training,
logistics, operations, static displays, discussions with pilots, the
layout of air bases, the readiness of the ADF, the function of Australian
northern bases and capabilities of the F/A-18 and the F-111.” --- TiM Ed.: Another Australian TiM reader, Peter McCallum, also brought up the “red carpet” visit by the Chinese communist brass that was hosted by Canberra last year: “Bob,
what is going on behind our backs? Last
year, top Chinese (Red) Military officers were given a guided tour of all
our military bases. Nothing was held back, they saw flight war game
simulators, all our planes F-111, F18's, our training methods, tactics.
They saw everything we have got no matter how secret. None
of this has ever been reported in the Lamestream press.
Can you explain why the Government would do this?” Peter McCallum --- To which the TiM
editor replied… “Peter,
the NWO is a global plutocracy. Plutocrats
have no nationality. It's the
‘plutos’ vs. the ‘plebes,’ no matter what the nationality of
either. Of
course, some ‘plebes’ are treated more harshly than others, especially
if they refused to submit to the ‘plutos’ (e.g., Serbs, Iraqis,
Irish…). I've written a
long time ago that nations can be enslaved with dollars as effectively as
with bayonets (see “Wall
Street’s Financial Terrorism”).” ------------- 5.
Chinese Invade Sudan Enmasse, London Daily Says LONDON, Aug. 27 - “Tens of thousands of Chinese troops and prisoners forced to work as security guards have been moved into Sudan,” the London Telegraph reported in its Sunday, Aug. 27 edition. But its bombastic headline - “China puts '700,000 troops' on Sudan” - proved that this London daily is more indebted to its warmongering advertisers than to the truth. “Tens of thousands of Chinese troops and prisoners?” in the body of the story vs. the “700,000 Chinese troops?" in the headline? Even the slow-in-math Eton College Royal family graduates, let alone some altogether with-it average Britons, should have been able to compute that the alleged ‘700,000 Chinese troops’ don’t square very well with the “tens of thousands” of whatever misfits that the London Telegraph referenced in its Aug. 27 lead. No problem, we suppose. Not for anyone with a dodo brain in the New World Order world of brainless morons. The Chinese have been brought in by aircraft and ship, the
Telegraph alleged, ostensibly to guard Sudan's increasingly productive
oil-fields in which the China National Petroleum Corporation is a leading
partner. These plans aim to crush the rebels from the mainly Christian and animist south, and to bring to an end the 17-year civil war that has cost an estimated two million lives. An internal document from the Sudanese military said that as many as 700,000 Chinese security personnel were available for action. Three flights a week have been taking the Chinese into Sudan since work on the oilfields started three years ago. Diplomats in Khartoum, however, cast doubt on the numbers. Baroness Caroline Cox, the leading human rights activist for Christians in Sudan, criticized Western governments for their complacency and complicity. "The British Government has developed a complete cozy
relationship to a regime which is raping, bombing and taking its people
into slavery. It doesn't fit at all with our so-called ethical foreign
policy, and there is no question the shift has come because of the
oil." Two British companies have won contracts to build pumping
stations on the 1,000-mile pipeline from the Heglig oilfield, in the
war-torn south, to the Red Sea. British oil companies have also discussed
investing in the Sudanese oil industry, described in a Department of Trade
and Industry pamphlet this year as "a tremendous opportunity". The Canadian multi-national Talisman Energy, the main
backer of the pipeline with the Chinese and Malaysians national oil
companies, has faced public outcry over its involvement. Reports that
thousands of civilians have been killed and driven from their homes in
order to secure the oilfields have led North American consumers to boycott
petrol stations, and pension funds to sell shares. A Western aid worker in southern Sudan said: "Everyone knows what is going on. We've all seen the Chinese being brought in and can only pray about what's going to happen next." For the rest of the London Telegraph report, click here. ----------- 6.
Clinton-Gore to Let Chinese Get Most Powerful U.S. Supercomputers CEOs
of IBM, Unisys, HP, Silicon Graphics (Cray), NCR Lobby for Red China NEW YORK, Aug. 28 - The Clinton-Gore administration has basically put up the national security of the United States for sale in the waning months of its eight-year reign. A low-key White House regulation change, signed by Bill Clinton on Aug. 3 at the urging of the CEOs of IBM, Unisys, Hewlett-Packard and NCR, will allow the Chinese military to buy some of the most powerful U.S. computers without a government license or security review, the ABC News reported today (Aug. 28). The Clinton move, while applauded by vice president Al Gore, is drawing fire from U.S. security experts who say the computers could help foreign militaries develop nuclear weapons more quickly, and from a congressman who charges the White House is compromising national security for political profit. The new regulations, scheduled to take effect next February, will reduce special oversight on computer exports to the militaries of approximately 50 nations the United States has designated as security concerns, the so-called Tier III countries, including China, Russia, Pakistan and India. Under the new rules, militaries in those countries would be allowed to buy, without a U.S. government license and 10-day multi-agency security review, systems with processing speeds as fast as 28,000 million theoretical operations per second (MTOPS). The average desktop computer might measure around 1,000 MTOPS. A joint U.S. Commerce-Defense Department study has found nuclear blasts can be simulated with computers between 10,457 and 21,125 MTOPS. In other words, well below the 28,000 MTOPS limit that the new Clinton-Gore regulation carries. Yet in its Aug. 3 announcement, the White House said the new regulations “promote national security” while they “ease unnecessary regulatory burdens on both government and industry.” And Democratic presidential candidate Gore issued a statement saying it would “increase the ability of U.S. high-tech companies to compete and win in global markets.” The new regulations are the fifth and most aggressive relaxation of national security controls on high-performance computer exports since Clinton took office in 1993. Like the earlier changes, they were made at the urging of America’s top computer companies -specifically, the CEOs of IBM, Unisys, Hewlett-Packard. and NCR, at a June 8 meeting with the Clinton administration officials. The CEOs left that meeting “very encouraged,” according to a statement from the Computer Coalition for Responsible Exports, an organization representing the industry. Following Clinton’s announcement, Unisys CEO and CCRE Co-Chair Lawrence Weinbach, congratulated the administration. “The president’s decision makes U.S. computer manufacturers more competitive in the worldwide marketplace.” --- TiM Ed.: Right. At the expense of American lives, downstream. Besides, who is Weinbach kidding? IBM, Unisys, HP, NCR are supposedly “U.S. manufacturers?” Once they were. But now they deserve that label only to the extent that they are in the business of exporting U.S. manufacturing jobs to places such as China, Mexico or other low-cost labor markets around the world. While being importers of cheap immigrant labor from those countries. IBM, for example, the world’s largest computer manufacturer, derives 58% of its revenues from overseas markets. Most of its low-cost products are made in the low labor-cost Asian or Latin American countries. Which is why the CEOs of these MULTINATIONAL, not U.S., companies, have become the lobbyists on behalf of Red China. Their gain (lower wages) is America’s loss. All around. Especially in terms of human lives that may be lost when China does gain the nuclear capability to attack the U.S. - thanks to IBM, Unisys, HP, Silicon Graphics (Cray), or NCR. We’ve said many times before that these multinationals
are the “Princes of the 20th Century” who are loyal only to
the Green Dollar, not to the nations in whose flags they conveniently
drape themselves before soaking their taxpayers (see A
Cleaner, Neater World? Hardly. But Deadlier, for Sure...- Feb. 3, 2000,
Faces of Globalism: Of Yin and Yang; Princes and Paupers", or Globalism:
Dictatorship of Capital"- a book review - TiM GW Bulletin 98/3-9
- among some prior TiM articles about that).
Or risking the peoples’ lives in years or decades to come with
travesties like this. We’ve also said
that that the Princes’ CEOs are the plutocrats for whom the western
politicians really work (see "The
China Wing of the New World Order"- 1/08/98); that they are the
heart and soul of an “evil, genocidal, Machiavellian New World Order who
are enriching themselves on other peoples’ pain and suffering” (see Djurdjevic's
speech at the Reform Party AZ convention, May 20, 2000). And now, you can see in a current news story how crassly that is done. Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., for example, believes the changes are a reckless move to bolster campaign support from America’s prosperous computer sector. “It’s another example of this administration’s wanton efforts to not worry about our security because they’re more concerned about favoring companies and enterprises, in this case involving China, which will benefit from this technology,” he says. The computer equipment and services industry has been the fourth largest contributing business sector to the Democratic National Committee this election cycle, donating $3.2 million from Jan. 1, 1999, to July 1, 2000, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. That time frame, it turns out, coincides with some of the administration’s most radical decontrols. The industry contributed $1.9 million to the Republican National Committee, making it the ninth largest contributor during that period, according to the Center. Lou Gerstner,
IBM’s CEO, for example, is a member of all three top globalist
organizations - the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral
Commission, and the Bilderbergers. No
wonder Gerstner welcomed the Chinese communist leader, Jiang Zemin, at the
IBM headquarters in New York in October 1997 with a big hug saved for an
old friend (see "The
China Wing of the New World Order"- 1/08/98). The only other top
political or business leaders who share IBM CEO’s dubious triple
globalist distinction? David Rockefeller,
Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton and George Bush. Enough said? So the “Big Blue” now has a red heart - a communist Red China "red," that is? No surprise there. The "Big Blue" business whores had existed even at the time of the Lenin-Stalin "reds." Or the Hitler-Mussolini "browns." In fact, the "Big Blue," as with all NWO pricely whores, are color-blind. Except to the color of green. Some 60 years ago, the then IBM CEO, Tom Watson Sr., just
like Gerstner huggin Jiang today, aslo accepted medals from Hitler and
Mussolini, and spoke fondly of the latter Italian dictator as the man
"who makes trains run on time" (see page 84 of "IBM:
Colossus in Transition" by Robert Sobel, 1981). “None of it’s justified strategically,” says Peter Leitner, a strategic trade adviser at the Department of Defense, in reference to the Clinton-Gore betrayal of our national security interests. “They are in the pocket of Silicon Valley and they’re trying to do whatever they can to get whatever they can out the door before they leave office.” More capable computers also could help countries more quickly develop techniques for foiling a future anti-ballistic missile system, says Leitner, who has testified several times on Capitol Hill against the administration’s export policies. “Here [the Clinton-Gore administration is] trying to prematurely push a National Missile Defense system. And they’re concerned that other guy might develop better warheads with decoys and be able to simulate what we’re going to do,” says Leitner. “So why the hell are we giving them the computer horsepower to do that?” For the full ABC News Aug. 28 report, check out… 7.
Harvard Trains Chinese Communists How to Fight the U.S. Bush’s
National Security Advisor Doesn’t See China as Threat BOSTON, Aug. 28 - Twenty-five senior Chinese
military officers are attending a course at Harvard to learn The People's Liberation Army (PLA) officers arrived in Boston on Saturday (Aug. 26). They include 24 senior colonels and one navy captain who will spend two weeks at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, according to Clinton administration officials close to the program. The officers are there to hear lectures by current and former U.S. national security officials who have discussed how the United States would respond to a crisis over Taiwan. "Most of the officers are intelligence collectors or technology collectors," one knowledgeable official told the Times. Here is an excerpt from the story: “Other
visiting officers are from components of the Chinese military involved in
directing unconventional warfare against the United States, a key element
of China's emerging war-fighting strategy. "The
Chinese plan to use this information to manipulate the U.S.
decision-making process and paralyze us during a crisis," said one
official. "And many of these visiting officers are involved in just
that type of activity." The
Harvard program was set up in 1997 by Joseph Nye, a former Clinton
administration assistant defense secretary who is dean of the Kennedy
School. Mr. Nye was the official viewed as the author of the Pentagon's
soft-line policy toward China. He once stated that if China is treated
like an enemy, it will become an enemy. Since
the accidental bombing of the China Embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, last
year, China in official writings has stated that the United States is its
main enemy. George
W. Bush's key campaign national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, has
said she does not regard China as a threat. According
to U.S. intelligence sources, in order to win Chinese government
cooperation, Harvard provided assurances to the Chinese military that U.S.
intelligence agencies, namely the CIA and FBI, would not seek to recruit
any of the visiting PLA officers as spies. The
agreement also calls for restricting access to the Harvard campus by FBI
counterintelligence agents engaged in surveillance of intelligence
activities carried out by the colonels.” --- TiM Ed.: So now Harvard has openly shown what its crimson-red colors stand for. The only thing missing is the communist star. The Clinton-Gore administration has demonstrated its treasonous un-American stance - by letting Harvard control what the CIA and FBI do or don’t do. Finally, the Bush Jr.’s foreign policy advisor has shown that treasonous activities will continue if the Texas governor is elected president. No surprise there (see “Weep Mankind!”). The United States is not only “officially” the main enemy of the Chinese communist government; it is evidently also “unofficially” the main enemy of the two leading presidential candidates. How much more perfidious can the American “demo farce” get? Traitors and communist sympathizers running the country! For the full Washington Times article, check out… ------------ 8.
Chinese President Says U.S. Suffers from Too Much Self-Aggrandizing NEW YORK, Sep. 3, 2000 - In an interview to be aired Sunday evening on the popular CBS “60 Minutes” program, Chinese resident Jiang Zemin, says the United States “tends to overestimate itself and its position in the world,” according to a transcript released by CBS News. Jiang emphasized Beijing's desire to improve sometimes-strained relations with Washington although the two countries "differ greatly in terms of our values." He said he wanted to reach out to the American people by granting the interview to the most-watched U.S. TV network news program. Jiang taped this rare interview with a western TV network on August 15 at the Chinese Communist Party leadership summer resort of Beidaihe. “Candidly
speaking, maybe it is because of the economic power and leading edge in
science and technology that the United States enjoys that more often than
not it tends to overestimate itself and its position in the world,”
Jiang also said. “I hope to
convey through your program my best wishes to the American people,” he
said. Jiang said that
regardless of whether Al Gore or George W. Bush wins the November 7 U.S.
presidential election, the new president “will try to improve the
friendly relations between China and the United States, for this is in the
strategic interest of the whole world.” --- TiM Ed.: So the Chinese
president, a leading INSIDER of the New World Order, ALREADY KNOWS what
the future moves of both “Algore” and “Dubya” would be. See
what we meant in early 1999, when we said that “now that we know that
the center of the universe is shifting from Washington to Beijing, why
don't we just outsource our entire foreign policy establishment to
China?” (see "China
Kicks U.N. Butt Out of Macedonia", Feb. 27, 1999 and "Chinese
Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail," Washington Times column, 3/21/99). ------------ 9.
Red Chinese Get Red Carpet Treatment by Klinton’s Navy WASHINGTON (state), Sep. 19 - The U.S. Senate shamelessly passed today one of the most anti-American pieces of legislation ever shoved down Americans’ throats by the New World Order’s Capital Hill whores - the China trade bill (see “Rocky's Rockettes” Are Rocking Again) The senators approved it by an 83-15 vote. The same day, we received the following update to our “Red China Gets Red Carpet Treatment by Klinton’s Amerika” (see Clinton-Gore-Bush’s Baby-Killing, Christian-Hating Chinese Pals) from a TiM reader in the state of Washington, who quoted a family member serving with the Klinton Navy. We cannot vouch, of course, for the authenticity of the incident, but for what it’s worth, here’s what this TiM reader said: “Two
Chinese war ships docked at the U.S. Naval Base in nearby Everett for a visit of several days. My son-in-law, who is stationed aboard the
giant nuclear carrier "Carl Vincent," tells me high ranking
Chinese naval officers, including an admiral, were on a tour of his ship
yesterday, and were given full freedom to see and photograph everything
they chose. This
includes sensitive areas that we would not be allowed to see without
special security clearance. Yesterday in Seattle (TiM
Ed.: where this TiM reader lives), Chinese
sailors from these ships were swarming everywhere. I just thought this
might be of interest.” Also, check out... Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Christianity Under Siege," "Silence Over Persecuted Christians", "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail," "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis" Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Anti-Christian Crusades," "Blood for Oil, Drugs for Arms", "Washington's Crisis Factory," and "New Iron Curtain Over Europe" |