The Washington Times
Sunday, July 20, 1997
NATO's Bullyboys
By Bob Djurdjevic
PHOENIX - Carrying candles and Serbian flags, thousands of Bosnian Serbs gave a hero's funeral July 13 to Simo Drljaca, the 50-year-old former police chief of the northwest Bosnian town of Prijedor, killed by NATO troops on July 10. The Serbian Orthodox funeral was carried live on Bosnian Serb TV and radio. Drljaca's coffin was covered by a Serb flag.
The rhetoric was sharply anti-NATO, with some Serbs accusing NATO troops of shooting Drljaca in the back, according to a July 13 Reuter's news wire report. "They killed a patriot, without an investigation and without a trial,'' declared the deputy Bosnian Serb interior minister, Milenko Karisik.
The body of Simo Drljaca was returned to the Serbs on July 12 by NATO, after a forensic examination in Tuzla, a Muslim-held city in the American zone of the SFOR. A Serb doctor reportedly performed an autopsy and forensic analysis in the presence of NATO officials.
Several Belgrade radio stations, quoting Bosnian Serb sources, reported July 12 that traces of gun powder were found around the bullet wounds, suggesting Drljaca was shot at close range.
The official results of the autopsy were supposed to be published July 13, Belgrade sources reported on July 12. But there was not a peep about that in the Serbian media stories, as best as could be ascertained.
So what happened? Did the NATO officials make the Serb doctor "an offer he could not refuse"?
And, by the way, have you noticed that we still don't know the identity of that British soldier, who was allegedly wounded by Drljaca in "resisting arrest?" Nor the names of all the New World Order British "heroes" who committed the crimes of kidnapping and murder on July 10.
Why not?
For a possible reason, consider the following incident...
Drljaca had challenged NATO's oower once before. Was that the motive for the killing?
Many open-minded Americans would wonder why on God's Earth would the British NATO "peacekeeping" troops want to kill a person in cold blood?
That's just not something that we, in the West, are used to seeing our governments do. At least, not yet...
The answer to the above question may lie in a spat which the former Prijedor police chief had with the NATO troops last year.
The Czech troops with the Bosnian peacekeeping force confronted Drljaca in Prijedor last year and demanded he hand over a submachine gun, according to a New York Times' July 11 report. He refused.
Bosnian Serb police, also armed with automatic assault rifles which are banned under the Dayton peace plan, surrounded the outnumbered Czechs, and pulled back only when ordered to do so by Drljaca.
Later on, Drljaca became an adviser to the Bosnian Serb Interior Ministry after he was forced to step down as police chief in Prijedor by NATO commanders because of his threats against the Czech unit.
And so, the Czech NATO troops were merely humiliated, not harmed, by Drljaca and his men. Which seems to be a judgment error which eventually cost Drljaca his life.
The Truth in Media's (TIM) Belgrade correspondent asked on Saturday, July 12, Dr. Smilja Avramov, a retired international law professor at the Belgrade University, why the local Bosnian Serb police authorities should not launch a murder investigation of the NATO perpetrators who are alleged to have killed Drljaca in cold blood.
"In any other country," she replied, "the local court would indeed have the jurisdiction for prosecuting such crimes. But not in the Bosnian Serb Republic. Nor in Serbia."
Why not?
Because the Dayton agreement, which the Serbian president, Slobodan Milosevic, and the Bosnian Serb Republic speaker, Momcilo Krajisnik, had signed, among others, contains a clause about the extra-territorial rights of the occupying forces (NATO, IFOR, SFOR... - take your pick of acronyms).
"Does that mean that, if a NATO soldier rapes a Serb girl, for example, and then murders her, he would not have to answer to anyone," the TIM corespondent asked.
"That's not even the worst of it," Dr. Avramov replied. "Any SFOR member could theoretically barge into my apartment (in Belgrade, Serbia - not Bosnia!), kill me, and not be accountable to anyone, except to his military bosses."
"But that's something that even the Nazi soldiers would not have been allowed to do during the World War II occupation of Yugoslavia!," the TIM correspondent, a WW II freedom fighter, replied in astonishment.
"Indeed," Dr. Avramov acknowledged. "These (the Dayton agreement) are the most onerous foreign occupation conditions imposed in modern times. The only thing which comes close are the early colonial terms of occupation of foreign countries."
And here we thought that selling out Sarajevo and the Gorazde corridor was bad enough. According to Dr. Avramov, it turns out that what the Milosevic-Krajisnik team appear to have done in Dayton, is a wholesale sell-out of the Serbs' sovereignty over all their ancestral lands.
In the old-fashioned world of national honor, integrity, blood, guts, and glory - there is only one word which adequately describes such actions - treason!
One of the Truth in Media readers referred to the Nuremberg War Crimes trials as a model for justifying the "international community's" Yugoslavia War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague.
First of all, Nuremberg was about a world war. The Hague is about a civil war. That's like saying the British, the Arabs or the Japanese should have had have the right to decide who was right and who was wrong in the U.S. Civil War of 1861.
Secondly, the Nuremberg trials are hardly something mankind should be proud of, the NWO media's brainwashing notwithstanding.
Here is, for example, what a distinguished American, Col. John Beaty, who served in the U.S. military intelligence during WW II, said about the Nuremberg trials in his 1951 book, "The Iron Curtain Over America:"
"A major indelible blot was thrown on the American shield by the Nuremberg war trials in which, in clear violation of the spirit of our own Constitution, we tried people under ex post facto laws for actions performed in carrying out the orders of their superiors. Such a travesty of justice could have no other result than teaching the Germansas the Palestine matter taught the Arabsthat our government had no sense of justice. The persisting bitterness from this foul fiasco is seen in the popular quip in Germany to the effect that in the third World War England will furnish the navy, France the foot soldiers, America the airplanes, and Germany the war-criminals.
Whatever these men and those executed before them may or may not have done, the long delay had two obvious resultsfive years of jobs for the U.S. bureaucrats involved and a continuing irritation of the German peoplean irritation desired by Zionists and Communists."
I guess Simo Drljaca's killing by NATO makes it seem as if 46 years had not elapsed since the above ominous warnings, written by a patriotic American.
Truth in Media, Phoenix, Arizona
Also see "International Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder" (TiM GW Bulletin 97/7-6, 7/11/97)