Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins

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September 09, 2010

Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's War on Serbia

A Photo Album

FROM PHOENIX, ARIZONA  explosion.gif (16495 bytes)    Topic: BALKAN AFFAIRS

A TiM Photo Album of Serb Decoys: How Serb Dummies Fooled NATO Dummies

But first, take a look at some U.S. losses about which NATO remains mum...

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NATO said it had only lost one F-117 in 79 days of war.  Take a look at the above F-16 wreck to understand why the Truth in Media termed NATO spokespeople the "lie and deny" news spinners. 

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What you see on the above photo is a Yugoslav SA-9 "Gaskin" mobile SAM system (BRDM-2 transporter with 9M31M missiles, Flat Box passive detection and IR, max range 9km (5 miles), max altitude 5.2km (3.5 miles). If you take a close look, under the serial number (22260) you will see two stenciled planes indicating two destroyed NATO aircraft (see the red arrow). The photo also gives an insight into how the Yugoslav army camouflaged its SAMs. The upper section of the vehicle, containing the missiles, can be pulled down and a camouflage net can be easily and quickly deployed over the entire position.

How Serb Wooden Dummies Fooled NATO Brass Dummies...

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Some scenes from the Serb "M-18" factory...

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Also, check out... Truth in Media Statement on Kosovo Crisis, "Wither Dayton, Sprout New War?", "On the Brink of Madness", "Tragic Deja Vu's," "Seven U.S. Senators Suggest Ouster of Milosevic", "Biting the Hand That Feeds You", "A Balkan Affairs Potpourri", "Put the U.N. Justice on Trial", "International Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder", "Milosevic: 'A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery'...", "Kosovo Lie Allowed to Stand", "New World Order's Inquisition in Bosnia", "Kosovo Heating Up""Decani Monastery Under Siege?", "Murder on Wall Street""Kosovo: 'Bosnia II', Serbia's Aztlan""What If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?", "Green Interstate - Not Worth American Lives", "An American Hero or Actor of the Year?" (A June '95 TiM story) and/or "Clinton arme secrètement les musulmans bosniaques"

Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail,"  "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis"

Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory,"  and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe"