Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins

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TiM GW Bulletin 99/8-1

Aug. 8, 1999

Forward Magazine Steps Forward:

Hillary Clinton's Jewish Family Ties Unearthed

A Dame for All Seasons and Vote-for-Me Reasons; the Amazing U.N. "Amazon Women" and Other Hillary Tales


The Amazing U.N. Amazon Women

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NEW YORK, Aug. 6 - The New York-based Forward magazine stepped forward with a story published on Aug. 6 which disclosed some distant Jewish family ties of Hillary Clinton, a would-be senator from New York. According to the story, Hillary’s grandmother, née Della Murray of Aurora, IL, married a Russian-born Jew, Max Rosenberg, in the 1930s. They had one child, a girl.

But claiming Hillary’s Jewish roots on the basis of that marriage is a real stretch. For, this was Della’s second marriage, well after the birth of Hillary’s mother, Dorothy Emma Howell in 1919. In other words, Rosenberg was no blood relative to Hillary. And her grandmother never converted to Judaism. But this did not stop some Jews from adopting Hillary as one of their own anyway, especially now that she is contemplating a run for the New York Senate seat vacated by Daniel Moynahan.

"Jews will now feel that she’s almost one of their own. It will make it easier for Jews to connect with her," a New York political consultant, Hank Sheinkopf, a Democrat, told the Forward magazine. "People will feel that she's more like them and they'll be more likely to listen to what she has to say."

But Mr. Sheinkopf cautioned that "professional Hillary-haters will say, ‘why didn't she tell us sooner,’ but it won't matter. It will help her with the Jewish voters immensely. The overall impact will be favorable."


TiM Ed.: "Professional Hillary-haters?" Hm, that’s a new one... We were under the impression that most professional haters love Hillary, and that most professionals lovers hate her. Whatever…

As for the Jews who are quick to embrace the Hilarious would-be Senator as of one their own, just because her grandmother had married a Jew after divorcing Hillary's grandfather, here’s something for them to chew on. This dame all seasons and vote-for-me reasons has already made history. She was the first ever First Lady to introduce the celebration of an Islamic religious holiday at the White House. Funny Mr. Scheinkopf, the political analyst, didn’t mention that?

But we did. Here’s an excerpt from the TiM Bulletin 96-04, Apr. 13, 1996, whose title was "Ayatollah Klintomeini." The piece was actually about how the Clinton administration’s pro-Islamic foreign policy is aimed at destroying both Russia and Europe. But it also contained the following interesting episode about Hillary:

"I have to admit that a good deal of what my husband and I have learned (about Islam) has come from my daughter," said Hillary Clinton, addressing the members of the American Muslim Council (AMC) at the first-ever White House celebration of Eid al-Fitr (a Muslim religious holiday) on February 20, 1996. "(As) some of you who are our friends know, she (Chelsea) took a course last year in Islamic history."

Chelsea has been educating her parents about Islam ever since, the First Lady explained. As she accepted the two AMC gifts of Qur’an, the Muslim holy book, Mrs. Clinton said: "I am honored to have these gifts... one for my husband, and one for me, as Chelsea already has her copy."

Meanwhile, Steven Emerson, producer of the PBS documentary, "Jihad in America," said in his Wall Street Journal OpEd column, published on March 13, 1996, that "AMC is a radical group that supports radical Islamic terrorist movements."

In other words, while Islamic terrorists blow up the World Trade Center, for example, not to mention their hijacking, killing and maiming of Americans overseas, the Clinton family revels in celebrating Islam at the White House."

For the full text of the "Ayatollah Klintonmeini" piece, including our January 1993 cartoon of the new Middle East wing at the White House, replete with a Chelsea Mosque, check out

But rather than the Jewish angle, which the New York magazine tried to play up, we have found much more revealing the following segment from the Forward magazine story about Hillary’s grandmother’s first marriage:

"In his divorce petition, Edwin Howell said that when he came home from work one day in January 1926, his wife "insisted on wanting to go out, which she had been doing right up to date for a period of five or six months ... I couldn't go. I worked most all the time. She became abusive and angry, and scratched and bit me, flared up at me." While claims of violence made in the context of divorce cases can be questionable, especially since at the time they were one of the only ways to win a divorce, the accusation was in this case corroborated by two witnesses.

Della Murray's own sister, Frances Czeslawski, described Della Murray's "violent temper," and the confrontation on that day in January. "She wanted to go some place, and I guess Mr. Howell didn't have the circumstances to take her. She flew at him and scratched his face." An employer also testified on Edwin Howell's behalf. The divorce was finalized in 1927. Edwin Howell obtained custody of the two girls, whom he sent to live with his parents in California.

Of course, the sympathetic New York magazine tried to put a positive spin on Hillary grandmother’s violent temper: "The Feisty Wife of a Yiddish-Speaking Jewish Immigrant," read the subheading of the story, adding that "Family Secret's a Boost For Her Senate Chances" (see But at least now we know where the First Lady’s famous temper comes from. And her feminist attitude.

In her 1996 book, "It Takes a Village," Ms. Hilarious hinted at the trouble within her own family's background which prompted her commitment to children's issues. "When my mother was only eight years old and her sister barely three, her father sent them alone by train to Los Angeles to live with his parents, who were immigrants from England," Mrs. Clinton wrote. "When my mother first told me how she cared for her sister during the three-day journey, I was incredulous. After I became a mother myself, I was furious that any child, even in the safer 1920s, would be treated like that."

Well, today more than ever, thousands of kids are sent alone across the country to visit their relatives these days in care of the airlines, just as Hillary’s grandfather had done with his children in the 1920s. But the preceding episode shed a new light about the character of the Hilarious would-be Senator.

Have you noticed her total lack of empathy for her natural grandfather, who was assaulted by his wife for being too tired to go out after working all day? That ought to do wonders for the working class New Yorkers whom Hillary is trying to woo. Enter Hillary’s Feminism 101, which led to a formation of the Interagency Council on Women three years ago. Here’s an excerpt from a 1996 TiM GW Bulletin "The Amazing U.N. ‘Amazon Women’".

"Hillary Clinton, Honorary Chairwoman of the Interagency Council on Women (ever heard of this Federal Government agency before?) started off the program. "Your actions speak louder than our words, with your call to action on women and children." Hillary informed the audience that President Clinton was determined to show the UN conference that the United States was leading the way. So Clinton established the Interagency Council prior to the convention. Hillary Clinton serves as its Honorary Chair, Madeleine K. Albright as Chair."

By the way, Clinton had contacted 16(!) U.S. government agencies to implement and develop the UN's Beijing platform. About which TiM editorialized:

"Gee... 16, huh? Was there one left out? The Pentagon, perhaps? Whom didn’t Clinton ‘contact’ to ‘implement and develop the UN’s Beijing platform?’ The yet-to-be-formed ‘Department of Sex’?"

And the yet-to be announced Secretary of Sex? (banning sex, of course, except for the illicit kind). Rumor has it Hillary and Madam Halfbright are heading up Clinton’s search committee, and Lorena Bobbitt tops the candidates list.

So what are the Della Murray Howells Rosenberg story caveats? Look for scratch marks on Bill’s nose. Which Bubba will blame on playing a "peacekeeper" between Socks and Buddy (Clinton’s cat and dog). Then look for a divorce; Hillary’s remarriage… to a Jewish immigrant from New York, of course. George Soros will do. Gotta have that 212 phone number to go with the gazillions.

By the way, don’t look for a Chelsea sibling in that tryst. Amazon women don’t need that kind of stuff. Too much pain and distraction, and no money in it. Besides, which senator has the time to accompany his/her kids across the country on a visit to grandparents?


P.S. The New York working class people may also appreciate the following episode about Hillary Clinton. The story was told to this writer by a pilot who flies for a Ukrainian airline. It was originally a part of for the "Wiping Out the Middle Class" May 1998 column, which this writer wrote in January 1998 for the Chronicles magazine. Based on the then latest statistics, we concluded that New York is the "plutocracy capital of the U.S."

Here’s an excerpt from that piece which focuses on Hillary’s trip to the Ukraine, in late November 1997:

The Hillary Runway

"The United States of America is an even greater plutocracy than these alarming numbers suggest. And the disparities between the rich and the poor are approaching those in some other countries before their elite were eventually sent to the dustbin of history by the common folk who rebelled against such ‘taxation without representation.’

So far, however, there is no evidence that the New World Order crowd have learned anything at all from history. As Bill Clinton departed Dec. 30 for his 14th consecutive ‘Renaissance Weekend,’ a Hilton Head, SC, annual seaside summit of some 1,500 members of the U.S. government, business and media elite, the President's main preoccupation seemed to have been reconciling the ‘multicultural’ differences between his new dog, Buddy, and his cat, Socks.

‘I am going to have them totally reconciled with each other,’ Clinton declared to reporters aboard Air Force One, according to a NEW YORK TIMES Dec. 31 (1997) report.

Nor is Bill the only Clinton displaying a callous disregard for the people. A commercial jet pilot instructor shared with this writer a fascinating story upon his return from the Ukraine. It was about an incident during Hillary Clinton's November visit to Lvov (a city in western Ukraine, close to the Polish border).

Due to an extreme cold spell in Eastern Europe and Russia, the runway at this regional Ukrainian airport was a sheet of ice the morning the First Lady was due to leave. She was furious. The Lvov airport officials faced four choices:

1. Dump a lot of salt on the runway and wait for the ice to melt

LIKELY DELAY: 1-2 hours

2. Use a specially Russian-designed truck with a jet engine mounted on its back. The engine blows hot air on the runway. This not only melts the ice but actually leaves the runway DRY. ‘Very efficient and creative!’ the U.S. instructor commented.


3. Spray the entire runway with de-icing fluid (which is normally used only for de-icing the jets).

LIKELY DELAY: 1/2 hour

4. Wait for God to melt the ice.

LIKELY DELAY: Who knows.

The Lvov airport authorities presented the four choices to Her Majesty, Hillary I. The petulant First Lady was so upset about the delay that she demanded that she leave IMMEDIATELY. So the entire Lvov runway was sprayed with the jet de-icing fluid - per alternative 3. Her Majesty, the First Lady, took off in a huff.

But alas, the spraying the ‘Hillary runway’ used up the ENTIRE YEAR'S SUPPLY OF LVOV AIRPORT'S DE-ICING FLUID. As a result, "the Ukrainian planes now have to be de-iced by using vodka, instead of the de-icing fluid!," joked the Ukrainian pilot.

By the way, the U.S. government has not seen fit to reimburse the Ukrainians for the de-icing of the ‘Hillary runway,’ according to the pilot.

Is anyone else, besides this writer, discerning the traces of the French kings prior to the 1778 French Revolution in the Clintons' imperial style? Or of the former Russian and Austrian Emperors?

‘Bob: Marie Antoinette said 'Let them eat cake',’ a Pennsylvania college professor wrote in response to the above question. To which this writer replied: ‘...while she still had a talking head!’

‘It's a few years down the line but our class disparity and age disparity (wealth, privileges, and tax break for the non-poor elderly which is about 40% of the elderly, you ought to know since you are in Phoenix) will split the population not just along class lines but also along generational lines,’ the professor opined. ‘It's gonna get ugly in about 20 years, maybe sooner.’

It may happen sooner - when the Baby Boomers start cashing en masse their retirement checks. Many will discover that there is no money there, since by then the Wall Street Hoover will have sucked it out of the pension funds.

When will that happen? Probably within the next 10 years. So, forewarned - forearmed, they say. If you're a Baby Boomer counting on spending your old age in an easy chair funded by a Big Business pension, consider an early retirement. Hopefully followed by some sort of a Golden Age entrepreneurial venture, the new kind of a Golden Parachute of America's dwindling middle class."

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Also, check out... "A Flash-in-a-Pan Perot," "Lou's Lair vs. Bill's Loft," "From a Nation of Producers, to a Nation of Gamglers," "What's a Trill Here, a Trill There...?", "The Amazing "U.N. Amazon Women," "Services-based Economy Means Cheaper Labor," "Natives Are Getting Restless,"  "Toward Nations of Obedient Mutts", "Klinton's Amerika: Israel's Tomahawk", "Two Faces of Globalism", "Canadian Banks Speculating Against Canadian Dollar""Election '98: Much Ado About Nothing""A Spoof on Goof: ABC Adds God to Its Editorial Lineup," "Taking a Little Bite Out of the 'Big Apple'", "Greenscam's Meriwether Bailout,"  "Wall Street's Conquest of America,"  "Yeltsin-IMF Deal: Feeding Drugs to Drug Addict", "Like Watergate, Cover-up Worse Than Original Crime," "Death Merchants 80; U.S. Taxpayers 19" , "The Great American Divide Widens", "Was Buchanan Robbed in Louisiana, Iowa, Arizona?"

Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "When Will Wall Street's Bubble Burst?""Russia, IMF, and Global House of Cards""Rekindling NATO to Fuel Cold War...", "The Great American Hoover", "Russia, IMF and Global House of Cards" , "Christianity Under Siege: Toward a One World Religion,"

Or Djurdjevic's CHRONICLES columns: "Wall Street Financial Terrorism", "Wiping Out the Middle Class."